Financial Benefits
Financial benefits that boost Member profitability and enhance Vendor Partner relationships:
- Members earn rebates from BLUE HAWK Vendor Partners. For many Members, their BLUE HAWK dividends make up more than 50 percent of company net profits before taxes. Members receive quarterly dividend payments to improve cash flow.
- Annual incentive programs allow Members to boost rebate earnings when total group purchases and company purchases meet or exceed a growth target negotiated with BLUE HAWK Vendor Partners.
- BLUE HAWK Retirement is a Multiple Employer Plan, or MEP, group 401(k) retirement plan for businesses that have a common interest but are not commonly owned or affiliated. Businesses that adopt the plan, called Adopting Employers, pool retirement assets together as one plan and realize substantial benefits when compared to operating individual plans. A MEP helps keep costs competitive and reduces the fiduciary responsibility and legal obligation to the business owner. All the benefits of offering a 401(k) plan without owning all the responsibility.
- BLUE HAWK Members in growth by acquisition mode think BLUE HAWK Growing Forward Acquisition Program. The Growing Forward Acquisition Program allows BLUE HAWK Members to buy and sell within the cooperative to help the group’s purchasing volume remain constant as the industry consolidates.
- Think Globally, Prosper Locally, BLUE HAWK and IMARK Plumbing are a member-owner of EDT GmbH, a consortium of member-governed groups or independent HVAC/R and plumbing wholesalers across 13 European countries with 250 companies and 1700 locations. And 800+ IMARK Group Member companies in the United States.