IMARK Plumbing: Building Success one member at a time

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about IMARK Plumbing. We are confident that you’ll like what you see. We know that when you build a common platform for industry-leading distributors and world-class manufacturers to more closely align and plan for growth, good things are bound to happen.

We recognize that to be the best at what we do, we must rely upon a strong membership network that builds upon mutually beneficial relationships among industry-leading distributors and manufacturers.

Regardless of the industry (or industries) you serve, you will find IMARK Plumbing to be a powerful source of strength in a challenging business environment. We offer relevant programs and resources that enhance what you do to increase sales, profits, and market share.

We look forward to working with you,


The IMARK Plumbing Executive Team

About IMARK Plumbing

IMARK Plumbing is a dynamic, member-owned, and member-governed group of independent distributors that generate annual sales volume exceeding billions in revenue.

Our organization spans the Plumbing, Irrigation, Waterworks, and PVF industries and also features the Luxury Products Group which serves the needs of independent decorative plumbing and lighting showrooms.

IMARK Plumbing is dedicated to supporting and advancing the cause of family-run and independently operated distributors around the world.  These companies are the backbone of the industries we serve.





Join IMARK Plumbing

IMARK Plumbing was formed to increase the strength of independent cooperatives and groups by working together towards the common goal of enhancing the profitability of our member-owners and enhancing the capabilities and knowledge of their employees.

Are you a cooperative or independent buying group?

We can help you to continue to thrive by collaborating with other like-minded groups.  Just like your members joined your organization to increase their purchasing power and find security by working together, IMARK Plumbing gives you the same opportunity, but on a group level while keeping your independence.

Are you a distributor interested in joining one of our verticals?

IMARK Plumbing has developed a culture in which independent wholesale distribution of all sizes can come together to address critical business issues to tackle the threats and opportunities of the future.  Our members experience superior financial returns as they consistently generate higher rates of sales growth for our supplier partners through access to marketing and promotional opportunities our business scale provides.


 We are building success one member at a time!

Through teamwork and the common goal of supporting and advancing family-run, independently operated distributors, IMARK Plumbing is dedicated to boosting the profitability and supplier relationships of their independent members. We help independent distributors thrive through networking, business development tools, and best practice sharing.

IMARK Plumbing consits of IMARK Irrigation, IMARK Waterworks, IMARK PVF and Luxury Products Group. Working together these groups make their individual member-owners stronger by offering better programs and access to better cost-saving initiatives than they could on their own.

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