Progressive. Ethical. Transparent. Dynamic.
Family Focused.
Progressive. Ethical. Transparent.
Family Focused.
Member-Owned, Member-Governed
IMARK Group: Building Success one member at a time
Thank you for taking the time to learn more about IMARK Group. I’m confident that you’ll like what you see.
We know that when you build a common platform for industry-leading distributors and world-class manufacturers to more closely align and plan for growth, good things are bound to happen.
We recognize that to be the best at what we do, we must rely upon a strong membership network that builds upon mutually beneficial relationships among industry-leading distributors and manufacturers.
Regardless of the industry (or industries) you serve, you will find IMARK Group to be a powerful source of strength in a challenging business environment. We offer relevant programs and resources that enhance what you do to increase sales, profits, and market share.
Bob Smith | President | IMARK Group
Unleash the power of membership
Our success is growing your business
Dynamic solutions for modern businesses
Decorative Showroom
Unlocking your potential
Tools That Drive Results

Interactive training portals designed to help members and their employees elevate their skills. xTeach, powered by Litmos focuses on business and sales skills. While IMARK University and BLUE HAWK University, powered by BlueVolt, provide product training.

Digital Rebate Reporting
Mobile-enabled dashboard access featuring daily rebate numbers; get the full financial picture.

Product Sourcing Support
LINK, connecting independent members with other independent members within the group for products; keeping independents strong.

GrowING Forward

Health insurance
Captive insurance is an alternative insurance model in which a group of companies create their own insurance company to provide coverage for its members. Captives helps reduce and stabilize the cost of health insurance for members.

Gain Share
IMARK Group recognizes that members are in the best position to plan and set annual purchase goals with their key suppliers. Members earn significant additional rebate dollars when the goals are achieved while suppliers increase their market share. A true Win-Win.

Members harness the power of data to improve efficiencies and ensure the success of their business. Benchmarking metrics help independent businesses set goals grounded in performance by comparing to top performing peers.

Group 401(k)
Group 401(k) (MEP) helps keep costs competitive and reduces the fiduciary responsibility and legal obligation to the business owner. All the benefits of offering a 401(1) plan without owning all the responsibility.
IMARK Electrical | Event Name Needed
“As a member-owned and member-governed organization, we rely heavily on guidance, insights, and direction from our member leadership.”
IMARK Electrical | Dulles Electrical Supply
Independent Members
IMARK Plumbing | Mountainland Supply
Trusted Manufactures
Progressive Family
Luxury Products Group | Spring EXPO